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Generation C: The Ageless Target

October 6, 2015

On a recent visit with my parents, I dropped this tongue-in-cheek bombshell: “Marketers don’t care about you, or your Baby Boomer cohorts anymore. We only care about Millennials. Sorry guys.”

Rather than being offended, my father replied with an equally tongue-in-cheek retort: “Good. Now maybe I’ll stop getting bombarded with emails from companies that I’ve never heard of, or even like.”

Our exchange centers around an interesting change that has been occurring for the past few years – marketers are indeed focusing their attention on this younger generation of consumers. It’s not surprising either, as the media has consistently foretold of the rise of the largest, most motivated generation that has the highest buying power. Capturing Millennials’ attention is akin to harpooning a marketing white whale.

But as Millennials begin to softly realize these projections, it’s becoming apparent that this generation might not be the be-all, end-all target audience for marketers. In fact, using “Millennials” as your target audience could prove to be a lazy and damaging tactic for future work. You simply cannot group Millennials together in a singular sample.

For starters, Millennials are extremely diverse – and not just in the demographic sense. With their increased numbers come an incredibly high number of sub-sets and psychographic differentiators within their ranks. One look at the stratification of their musical, culinary and fashion tastes, and understanding “their” tastes becomes clear as mud.


Secondly, the definition of what constitutes a Millennial varies greatly from person-to-person and brand-to-brand. For some, this group includes those born between 1980 and 2004. For others, a more nebulous descriptor of “born after 1982, and came of age around the year 2000” is used. In each instance, you’re talking about a group whose ages range from their early teens to 30-somethings. That’s a massive leap in ages, in cultural tastes, and in life milestones.

These discrepancies are what make a concept like the Connected Generation, or Generation C, a more viable option for audience targeting. Rather than being defined by their age, this “generation” is grouped together by their habits and predilections. And while Google boasts that over 65% of this cohort is under the age of 35, you can find members of every generation (including Boomers) within C’s ranks.


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As a New York City luxury marketing agency, The O Group has been building legendary brands for the past 35 years across the entire luxury sector including hospitality, home products and materials, fashion, luxury jewelry, fine spirits, food and wine. From our proprietary brand positioning and strategy to crafting essential creative assets needed for brand marketing and digital content, we collaborate with our clients on every part of their brand creation and experience. Our proven process has built a reputation for developing luxury branding that is disruptive, highly desirable and uniquely differentiated.