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Rethinking Luxury

October 28, 2019

Change is constant. For the past 33 years we have experienced the ebb and flow of economic, social and stylistic trends. Relevancy is about evolution, so here we are.​

Change has come to all forms of business, media, design and lifestyle. As a business, we too, have constantly evolved. Decades of strategy, creative and design combined with a focus on luxury constitute the backbone of our branding and campaign expertise. We deal in the business of ideas. We work with clients that value those ideas and our expertise.​

We exist for like-minded, big thinkers that are invested in seeing successful luxury creative work that makes a difference.

In the past, luxury was exclusive and shielded. But like so many other aspects of life and business in the beginning of the 21st century, luxury is more open and accessible than ever. When executed properly, luxury is an elevated perspective that aims to exceed expectations. Luxury means something special, but it is a construct. Luxury creative can be a tool. It provides a framework to companies, business and brands – of all kinds – who want to attract people and deliver something qualitatively well beyond the norm. We uncover ways for brands of all kinds to leverage luxury creative in order to deliver a strong return on investment. To develop a point of view, to create something evocative, emotional and engaging for people who value aesthetics and experience. We work collaboratively with clients, partners and consumers to generate insights, iteratively build innovative and engaging creative ideas, then we execute with precision and measure.​

We develop brands and help them to harness the power of luxury positioning, aesthetics and tactics.

We create, design and launch relevant luxury creative campaigns for clients in and out of the traditional luxury space. We work with brands on their high-end offerings, special projects and targeted executions. The meaning of luxury is changing. We know because it’s been our mission to change it. Anyone can tell you where luxury came from. We work with clients to shape where it’s headed: Luxury creative for real brands, with real results.

Happy Anniversary to US!


Orit O Group founder - Luxury Branding Agency New York City

When Is The Right Time To Get Started?

As a New York City luxury marketing agency, The O Group has been building legendary brands for the past 35 years across the entire luxury sector including hospitality, home products and materials, fashion, luxury jewelry, fine spirits, food and wine. From our proprietary brand positioning and strategy to crafting essential creative assets needed for brand marketing and digital content, we collaborate with our clients on every part of their brand creation and experience. Our proven process has built a reputation for developing luxury branding that is disruptive, highly desirable and uniquely differentiated.